
Fields Lab Manager


Postdoctoral Researcher


Research Associate

Medical biofilms

Postdoctoral Researcher

Host-pathogen interactions

SBML Lab Manager

Standard biofilm methods

Postdoctoral Researcher


Postdoctoral Researcher


Technical Operations Manager

Anaerobic community ecophysiology

Program Project Lead


Research Assistant

Medical biofilms

Budget & Fiscal Manager

Fiscal management

Marketing Manager

Written communications & program outreach

Assistant to CBE Director

Human resources

Industrial Research Scientist


Research Scientist 


Accounting Analyst

Accounts payable and receivable

SBML Lab Manager

Standard biofilm methods

Postdoctoral Researcher


Research Scientist


Research Engineer


Postdoctoral Researcher


Lab Manager


Graphics Specialist

Visual communications

Postdoctoral Researcher


Research Engineer Manager


Postdoctoral Researcher 


COE IT Manager

Information technology

Research Assistant 


Lab Manager


Research Lab Manager

Molecular biology

Research Assistant