Goeres, Darla
Research Professor of Regulatory Science
Coordinator of Industrial Development

Office: 305 Barnard Hall
Specialty: Standardized biofilm methods
E-mail: darla_g@montana.edu
Dr. Darla Goeres has over twenty-five years of experience researching biofilm bacteria in industrial systems. She has studied biofilms found in beer draught lines, Danish district heating distribution pipes, anaerobic biofilms in soured oil fields, biofilms in recreational water systems, and evaluated various treatment strategies for killing, removing and/or preventing biofilm formation in the built environment.
For the majority of her career at CBE, Dr. Goeres successfully led the Standardized Biofilm Methods Laboratory (SBML) team, whose mission is the development and validation of quantitative standard methods for growing, treating, sampling and analyzing biofilm bacteria. A leader in developing biofilm standard methods, Dr. Goeres is a member of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) subcommittee E35.15 and facilitated the acceptance of the first approved standard methods for biofilm bacteria.
In her current role as Industrial Coordinator, Dr. Goeres is responsible for bringing together industry, academia, and regulatory bodies for the development of tools that enable innovation in biofilm science and technology.
Research Interests
- Develop and validation of quantitative biofilm methods
- Biofilm reactor design
- Prevention or treatment of biofilm found in industrial or home environments
- Biofilms in recreational water
- Biofilms in beer draught lines
Related Links
Standardized Biofilm Methods Lab
International Biofilm Standards Task Group
Biofilm related publications searchable by author via the CBE Publications Database
Related News & Presentations
"Biofilms & Beer" Bozeman Pecha Kucha 09/13/2022
"Intl Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium Panel Video: The role of regulatory standards in biofilm research & industry innovation" CBE News 04/04/2022
"MSU researcher wins international award for biofilm testing standards" MSU News 12/21/2021
"CBE is working with NASA to solve a problem that could keep mankind from ever setting foot on Mars" MSU News 12/02/2021
“MSU takes leadership role in summit on minimizing COVID-19 risk in human-built environments” MSU News 08/24/2020
“Cheers! Goeres wins grant from Brewers Association” CBE News 01/22/2020
“STERIS earns first biofilm claim from EPA using testing standard developed by CBE” CBE News, 05/20/2019
“MSU records yet another strong year for research” MSU News 09/14/2018
“MSU hosts fifth annual conference to help move life-saving products to the marketplace” MSU News 02/15/2018
“MSU researchers help EPA with first ever biofilm product standards” MSU News 11/08/2017