Visiting researchers at the CBE
Home University
CBE Host
Giorgia Ghiara
Fulbright Scholar
Torino, Italy
Roberta Amendola
Bogdan Buzdugan
EB-REU Student
North Park University
Robin Gerlach
Millena Galatioto
EB-REU Student
County College of Morris
Danielle Ulrich
Alicia Dayea
EB-REU Student
Fort Lewis College
Scott McCalla
Gissel Espinoza
EB-REU Student
Heritage University
Matthew Fields
Amir Hossein Mehrpour
EB-REU Student
Los Angeles Pierce College
Brian Bothner
John Featherston
EB-REU Student
Grand View University
Robin Gerlach
Cristina Fitzgerald
EB-REU Student
Salish Kootenai
Brian Bothner
Emma Rogers
EB-REU Student
Utica University
Stephan Warnat
Matthew Schaller
Purdue University
Robin Gerlach
Lance Vorse
EB-REU Student
Boise State University
Adrienne Phillips
Britney Acosta Ramon
EB-REU Student
Palomar College
Ross Carlson
Andy Bartschi
Visiting INBRE Scholar
Brigham Young University
Garth James
Thomas Cronimus
Visiting MS Student
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Ross Carlson
Ana Barbosa
Visiting PhD Student
University of Porto
Chris Jones/Darla Goeres
Kerem Bozkurt
Visiting PhD Student
University of Stuttgart
Al Cunningham
Johannes Hommel
Visiting PhD Student
University of Stuttgart
Al Cunningham
Bahadir Ozturk
Visiting PhD Student
Auburn University
Adrienne Phillips/Mohammad Khosravi
2023-2024 Visiting Researchers
Name | Title | Home University | CBE Host |
Gigi Montague | Undergraduate Researcher | Middlebury College | Chelsea Heveran |
Giorgia Ghiara | Fulbright Scholar | Torino, Italy | Roberta Amendola |
Melinda Barath | REU Student | St. Lawrence University | Phil Stewart |
Sophie Courtney | REU Student | University of Pennsylvania | Emma Loveday |
Mitchell Gray | REU Student | Western New England University | Stephan Warnat |
Alicia Guerrero-Gobert | REU Student | Blackfeet Community College | Robin Gerlach |
Juliana Guerrero-Gobert | REU Student | Blackfeet Community College | Ellen Lauchnor |
Kaylanna Guerrero-Gobert | REU Student | Blackfeet Community College | Robin Gerlach |
Ellen Henry | REU Student | Lehigh University | Adie Phillips |
Zachary Leopold | REU Student | University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa | Christine Foreman |
Diliya Murtazina | REU Student | University of Tennessee | Matthew Fields |
Rachel Seaman | REU Student | St. Lawrence University | Robin Gerlach |
Sarah Shick | REU Student | Arizona State University | Emma Loveday |
Justus Smith | REU Student | Auburn University | Matthew Fields |
Zoey Teal | REU Student | Vermont State University at Castleton | Danielle Ulrich |
Lauren Yumibe | REU Student | Washington University in St. Louis | Ellen Lauchnor |
Bogdan Buzdugan | REU Student | North Park University | Robin Gerlach |
Millena Galatioto | REU Student | County College of Morris | Danielle Ulrich |
Aria Mehrpour | REU Student | Los Angeles Pierce College | Brian Bothner |
Cristina Fitzgerald | REU Student | Salish Kootenai College | Brian Bothner |
Emma Rogers | REU Student | Utica University | Stephan Warnat |
Lance Vorse | REU Student | Boise State University | Adie Phillips |
Matthew Schaller | REU Student | Purdue University | Robin Gerlach |
2022-2023 Visiting Researchers
CBE Host
Torie Prall
Hawthorne Elementary School
Chelsea Heveran
Megan Brenna
East Side Intermediate School
Chelsea Heveran
Lauren Arbaugh
Industry Researcher
Adie Philips and Al Cunningham
Sara Ortega
Postdoctoral Researcher
Delft University of Technology
Catherine Kirkland
Hunter Spitzer
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Robin Gerlach
Kimberly King
Undergraduate Researcher
Ellen Lauchnor and Ranalda Tsosie
Lauren Crawford Bleazard
Undergraduate Researcher |
Ellen Lauchnor and Ranalda Tsosie
Shuyi Lin
REU Student
Middlebury College
Chelsea Heveran
Ethan Dudley
REU Student
Berry College
Adie Phillips
Makda Fekade
REU Student
Brown University
Roland Hatzenpichler
Isabelle Johnson
REU Student
University of Montana
Brian Bothner
Noa Carlson
REU Student
Occidental College
Ross Carlson
Christopher Chengshi
REU Student
University of Pennsylvania
Robin Gerlach
Madyson Willis
REU Student
University of Wyoming
Garth James
Brynne Miller
REU Student
Brown University
Brian Bothner
Emma Buck
REU Student
Brown University
Ellen Lauchnor
Amelie Andreas
REU Student
Reed College
Christine Foreman
Ciara Pike
REU Student
Eastern Kentucky University
Valerie Copie
Nathan Bowman
REU Student
Georgia Institute of Technology
Matthew Fields

2020-2021 Visiting Researchers
Carol Baumbauer | PhD Student | University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California |
CBE Host: Stephan Warnat |
Ondřej Chlumský | PhD Student | University of Chemistry & Technology Prague, Czech Republic |
CBE Host: Jim Wilking |
Inés Reigada | PhDStudent |
University of Helsinki |
CBE Host: Darla Goeres |
2019-2020 Visiting Researchers
Ondřej Chlumský | Visiting PhD Student | University of Chemistry & Technology, Prague, Czech Republic |
CBE Host: Jim Wilking |
Rachel Kleiman | VisitingMastersStudent |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC |
CBE Host: Robin Gerlach |
Nicolas Forquet | Visiting Faculty | National Institute for Environmental and Agricultural Science and Research Lyon, France |
CBE Hosts: Otto Stein & Ellen Lauchnor |
Mathieu Devos |
Visiting Masters Student | University of Antwerp, Belgium | CBE Host: Darla Goeres |
Emily Gan | Visiting High School Student | Jericho School District Jericho, NY |
CBE Host: Robin Gerlach |
Scott Wade | Visiting Faculty | Swinburne University of Technology Victoria, Australia |
CBE Host: Matthew Fields |
Kendra Lunday | Visiting High School Teacher | Capital High School Helena, MT |
CBE Host: Adie Phillips |
Hakan Armagan | Visiting High School Teacher | Burke High School Omaha, NE |
CBE Host: Adie Phillips |
2018–2019 Visiting Researchers
Jontana Allkja | Visiting PhD Student |
Univeristy of Porto |
CBE Host: Darla Goeres |
Elizabeth Lee | Visiting High School Student | Bozeman Public Schools Bozeman, MT |
CBE Host: Matthew Fields |
Albert Enrique Tafur Rangel | Visiting PhD Student |
Universidad de los Andes |
CBE: Ross Carlson |
Elvira Ziganshina | Visiting Faculty |
Kazan Federal University |
CBE Host: Robin Gerlach |
Ayrat Ziganshin | Visiting Faculty |
Kazan Federal University |
CBE Host: Robin Gerlach |
Bastiaan Krom | Visiting Faculty |
University of Amsterdam |
CBE Host: Garth James |
Rachel Kleiman | VisitingMastersStudent |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC |
CBE Host: Robin Gerlach |
Hannah Sylvester | Visiting Undergraduate Student |
Carroll College, Helena, MT |
CBE Host: Connie Chang |
Nicolas Forquet | Visiting Faculty | National Institute for Environmental and Agricultural Science and Research Lyon, France |
CBE Hosts: Otto Stein & Ellen Lauchnor |
Mathieu Devos | Visiting Masters Student | University of Antwerp, Belgium | CBE Host: Darla Goeres |
2017–2018 Visiting Researchers
Jontana Allkja
Visiting PhD Student
Univeristy of Porto |
CBE Host: Darla Goeres
Tibor Benedek
Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher
Szent Istuan University |
CBE Host: Ellen Lauchnor
Kristina Block
Visiting Masters Student
Berlin Technological University |
CBE Host: Robin Gerlach
Marta Bottagisio
Visiting PhD Student
University of Milan |
CBE Host: Garth James
Staci Capozzi
Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Maryland |
CBE Host: Darla Goeres
Carolina Dequech Garcia
Visiting Undergraduate Student
Montana State University |
CBE Host: Elinor Pulcini
Marketa Hulkova
Visiting PhD Student (Fulbright)
Masaryk University |
CBE Host: Ross Carlson
Mireia Perez Orts
Visiting Undergraduate Student
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia |
CBE Host: Brent Peyton
Merle de Kruek
Visiting Faculty
Delft University |
CBE Host: Sarah Codd
Lenno van den Berg
Visiting PhD Student
Delft University |
CBE Host: Sarah Codd
Elvira Ziganshina
Visiting Faculty
Kazan Federal University |
CBE Host: Robin Gerlach
Ayrat Ziganshin
Visiting Faculty
Kazan Federal University |
CBE Host: Robin Gerlach
2016–2017 Visiting Researchers
Kristina Block
Visiting Masters Student
Berlin Technological University, Berlin, Germany
CBE Host: Robin Gerlach
Marta Bottagisio
Visiting PhD Student
University of Milan |
CBE Host: Garth James
Greg Characklis
Visiting Faculty
University of North Carolina |
CBE Host: Al Cunningham
Luiz Pereira Da Silva, Jr. |
Visiting Undergraduate Student
Federal University of Pernambuco
Recife, Brazil |
CBE Host: Ellen Lauchnor
Sepideh Ebadi
Visiting PhD Candidate
Florida State University |
CBE Host: Jim Wilking
Marketa Hulkova
Visiting PhD Student (Fulbright)
Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
CBE Host: Ross Carlson |
Birthe Kjellerup
Visiting Faculty
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland |
CBE Host: Phil Stewart |
Maria Clara Tarifa
Visiting PhD Candidate
Universidad Nacional Del Sur,
Bahia Blanca, Argentina |
CBE Host: Phil Stewart |
James Vallie
Visiting Undergraduate Student
Little Bighorn College, Hardin, Montana
CBE Host: Brent Peyton
2015–2016 Visiting Researchers
Dominik Ausbacher | Visiting scholar | University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway | CBE Host: Darla Goeres |
Greg Characklis and Adam Hise |
Visiting faculty Visiting PhD candidate |
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA |
CBE Hosts: Al Cunningham and Robin Gerlach |
Charles Fosseprez | Visiting MS candidate | Agro Paris Tech, Paris, France | CBE Host: Ross Carlson |
Luigi Frunzo | Visiting faculty | University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy | CBE Host: Isaac Klapper |
Johannes Hommel | Visiting postdoctoral researcher | University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany | CBE Host: Al Cunningham |
Michael Lienemann | Visiting scholar | VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Ltd., Espoo, Finland | CBE Host: Brent Peyton |
Suvi Manner | Visiting PhD candidate | Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland | CBE Host: Darla Goeres |
Mario Perez | Visiting MS candidate | Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi, Mexico | CBE Host: Garth James |
Lea Chua Tan | Visiting PhD candidate | UNESCO-IHE, Delft, The Netherlands | CBE Host: Robin Gerlach |
Federica Villa |
Visiting postdoctoral researcher |
University of Mila, Milan, Italy | CBE Host: Phil Stewart |
Yeni Yung | Visiting PhD candidate | University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL | CBE Host: Ross Carlson |