Espinosa Ortiz, Erika
Assistant Research Professor, Chemical & Biological Engineering

Office: 306 Barnard Hall
Specialty: Fungal & algal biofilms
Professional Preparation
- Ph.D., Environmental Technologies for Contaminated Solids, Soils and Sediments
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Program, 2015
UNESCO‐IHE (The Netherlands), Paris‐Est (France),
University of Cassino (Italy)
Research: Bioreduction of selenite and tellurite by Phanerochaete chrysosporium: applications in wastewater treatment - M. Sc., Ecological Sciences and Engineering, 2010
Purdue University (USA)
Research: Ecotoxicological assessment of gallium and indium on soil microbial activity, seed germination and root growth - M. Sc., Environmental Engineering, 2009
National Autonomous University of Mexico
Research: Biological contamination of source water supplies in Tula Valley, Hgo. Mex
Research Interest
Fungal-based technologies for water, wastewater and soil remediation
Biodeterioration of building materials due to multi-domain biofilm formation
Biomineralization processes applied to the medical field (e.g. formation of kidney stones induced by urinary tract infections)
Selected publications
Mitchell, Andrew C., Erika J. Espinosa-Ortiz, Stacy L. Parks, Adrienne J. Phillips, Alfred B. Cunningham, Robin Gerlach, “Kinetics of Calcite Precipitation by Ureolytic Bacteria under Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditions,” Biogeosciences, May 2019, 16:2147-2161.
Espinosa-Ortiz, Erika J., Brian H. Eisner, Dirk Lange, and Robin Gerlach, “Current insights into the mechanisms and management of infection stones,” Nature Reviews Urology, November 2018, 16: 35-53.
Tan, Lea Chua, Erika J. Espinosa‐Ortiz, Yarlagadda V. Nancharaiah, Eric D. van Hullebusch, Robin Gerlach, and Piet N. L. Lens, “Selenate removal in biofilm systems: effect of nitrate and sulfate on selenium removal efficiency, biofilm structure and microbial community,” J Chem Technol Biotechnol, 2018;93: 2380–2389.
Espinosa-Ortiz, EJ, Pechaud Y, Lauchnor E, Eldon RR, Gerlach R, Peyton BM, van Hullebusch ED , Lens PNL. “Effect of Selenite on the Morphology and Respiratory Activity of Phanerochaete Chrysosporium Biofilms,” Bioresource Technology 210 (June 2016): 138–145.
Additional biofilm publications searchable by author via CBE Publications
“MSU researchers exploring cement alternative using fungi, bacteria” Yellowstone Public Radio, Feb. 24, 2021
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