
Office: 322 Barnard Hall
Specialty: Medical biofilms

Professional Preparation

  • Ph.D. Bioengineering, 2003
    University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 2003
    Dissertation:  “Glycosaminoglycan Hydrogels for Wound Healing”
    Advisor:  Glenn D. Prestwich, Ph.D.
  • B.S.E Materials Science and Eng. (magna cum laude), 1997
    University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Research Interests

  • Exploring how biofilms contribute to wound chronicity
  • Developing new in vitro wound/biofilm models
  • Evaluating antimicrobial properties of biomaterials
  • Investigating anti-biofilm technologies for the healthcare field

Selected Grants

  • Development of a predictive moderate throughput assay to screen novel Designer Proline-rich antimicrobial peptide Chaperone protein inhibitors (DPCs) against multi-drug resistant pathogens, from Arrevus Inc (ARREVU).

Kirker vitae


Biofilm related publications searchable by author via CBE Publications Database